卢森堡律所Arendt & Medernach近期在香港设立代表处,主要从事基金业务和亚太地区的投资项目。该代表处为Arendt & Medernach在亚太市场的第一个分支机构。

Arendt & Medernach创始合伙人Guy Harles,资深律师Stéphane Karolczuk和Claude Niedner被调派到新设立的香港办公室工作。

Luxembourg-based firm Arendt & Medernach has opened a representative office in Hong Kong to focus primarily on public and private funds and direct investment in Asia.

The office will mark the firm’s first foray into the Asia-Pacific market and follows its launch in Dubai this time last year. The firm said it will work alongside law firms it has established relations with in the region, thereby compensating for its inability to offer local-law services.

The firm is aiming to capture the growth market for investment funds in Hong Kong. “As outward investment funds from Asia are likely to increase fairly dramatically over the short term, and given the changes and reforms that are being implemented in multiple jurisdictions, the need for up-to-date advice …is likely to grow,” said partner Claude Niedner, one of three lawyers based in the new office.

Niedner will be supported by senior associate Stéphane Karolczuk, who will head the office, and founding partner Guy Harles.