From 17-19 November, 2009, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”) held the seventh CIETAC International Commercial Arbitration Moot (“The Moot”) in Beijing. Over 160 competitors from 21 famous domestic universities participated in the event. The Moot, which was conducted in English, was judged by 43 distinguished arbitrators and lawyers from home and abroad. The arbitrators respectively constituted moot courts, and the competitors simulated as claimants and respondents to join the hearing.

CIETAC will respectively sponsor the winning teams to join the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot held in Vienna and Hong Kong in March and April, 2010. As the co-sponsor of the Vis Moot, CIETAC had selected and sent Chinese delegates to participate in the international competition in Vienna many times. The 2011-2012 Vienna Vis Moot will adopt CIETAC Arbitration Rules. Meanwhile, as a sister moot to the Vienna Moot, the Vis Moot (East) has also been co-sponsored by CIETAC since 2005.

CIETAC has held the CIETAC International Commercial Arbitration Moot and related activities for eight years, and has gained a reputation and recognition in over 30 law schools of Chinese universities, and has become one of the must-join competitions by law school students. Some universities added commercial arbitration courses to prepare for the competition.


贸仲将继续资助优胜队分别参加2010年3月和4月在维也纳和香港举办的“国际商事仲裁模拟仲裁庭辩论赛”(Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot)。作为该赛事的合作方,贸仲多次选派中国代表队参与维也纳的国际赛事,2011-2012年的维也纳国际赛事中将会采用贸仲的仲裁规则。同时,自2005年该赛事在香港开办“东方赛区”,贸仲一直是东方赛区的协办单位。
