


Jones Day has recently announced this year's winner of its tenth annual International Legal Fellowship awards. 12 outstanding law students from top universities in Beijing and Shanghai won this honour. They will receive RMB 15,000 each to support their education and experience in the legal area of their choice.  

"We have seen a strong improvement in the quality of applicants over the past 10 years, which indicates that the future of the legal profession in China is clearly very bright," said John Kao, Partner-in-charge of Jones Day Beijing. 

Over the past decade, the Jones Day International Legal Fellowship has granted a total of more than RMB 1.7 million (USD 250,000) to 123 students from 17 universities in Shanghai and Beijing.  ALB

This year’s recipients include students from the following universities:

-  Dee Di                East China University of Political Science and Law
- Mandy Guo                Peking University
-  Lisa Jiang                East China University of Political Science and Law  
-  Judy Liu                China University of Political Science and Law
- Xiaojie Meng                Fudan University
- Li Pan                                Fudan University

- Fei Qi                                Tsinghua University  
- Carolyn Tao                Peking University                
- Adam Wang                Peking University      

- Sophie Yu                Peking University                                    
- Vicky Zhan                Shanghai International Studies University                        
- Weiwei Zhou                Shanghai Jiaotong University