
北京金诚同达律师事务所,美国世达律师事务所及Maples and Calder担任此次IPO的发行人顾问。承销商由君合律师事务所和美国盛信律师事务所提供法律服务。

Camelot NY IPO and ADS offering
Camelot Information Systems launches US$150m IPO and American Depositary Shares offering on the New York Stock Exchange
Firm Client Role
Jingcheng Tongda & Neal
[lead lawyer: Belinda Tian]
Issuer PRC counsel
[lead lawyers: Greg Miao,
Peter Huang]
Issuer US counsel
Maples and Calder Issuer Cayman Islands counsel
Simpson Thacher Underwriters* US counsel
Jun He Underwriters* PRC counsel
*Goldman Sachs acted as the sole global coordinator and as a joint bookrunner with Barclays Capital, William Blair & Company, Cowen and Company and Oppenheimer

Jincheng Tongda & Neal recently advised on Camelot’s NYSE US$150m IPO and American depositary shares (ADS) offering, marking the largest US IPO from a PRC company seen in 2010. The Beijing-based company, which works on behalf of IBM and Accenture Plc. The company helps install and maintain business-management software and makes most of its sales in China, Japan and Taiwan. Camelot will receive 69% of the proceeds of the sale, with owners such as New York-based Citigroup’s venture capital funds receiving the rest.

JT&N is Camelot’s long-term legal counsel, advising them on daily corporate legal needs including contractual reviews. The firm’s offshore listing practice is currently led by senior partners Steven Peng and Shao Guozhong along with the lead partner on Camelot’s deal, Tian Bin. “This deal has become a great driver for our offshore listings practice. While we did not used to specialise in advising on offshore listings, it has now become one of JT&N’s growth sectors” said Tian.

“Given the increasing interest in the sector, we are starting to place more focus on helping clients list offshore. PRC companies have always worked towards listing, and they are getting much closer to realising their dreams,” she added. ALB

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