奥睿和新近成立的越南联盟合作伙伴,LVN&&Associates,成功为越南热电公司Thang Long价值6.34亿美元中越能源项目提供法律服务。

Thang Long是越南一家大电厂的子公司。这项装机容量为60万千瓦的项目位于越南最大的煤炭产区广宁省,预计将在2015完成,承包商是来自湖北的凯迪电力公司。

奥睿亚洲管理合伙人Christopher Stephens说,这是Thang Long第一次使用国际法律顾问。他们认为这个项目涉及到多方面的法律问题,因此需要一个在谈判,起草EPC协议及对越南电力行业非常了解的法律顾问。


Orrick, and its newly-formed Vietnam alliance partner, LVN & Associates, have advised Thang Long Thermoelectric JSC (Thang Long) in a landmark China-Vietnam energy project – the first such partnership between the two jurisdictions in an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract.

Thang Long, a subsidiary of one of Vietnam’s leading power generation companies, has been brought on board as an investor and the sole developer on the EPC contract worth US$634m. The project, a 600MW coal-fired thermal power plant in Vietnam to be located in the coal rich province of Quang Ninh Province, is expected to be completed by 2015.  Shenzhen- listed Kaidi provides engineering, design and contracting services in Hubei China.

"This deal is significant because it is the first time that Thang Long has used international counsel. They recognised that this was a complex legal project that required a huge spectrum of different areas of expertise both in terms of negotiating and drafting the EPC agreement as well as understanding the Vietnam power industry,” said Orrick’s Asia managing partner, Christopher Stephens.

According to Stephens, the further development of Vietnam’s power generation capability is a priority for the government. “We’re seeing many opportunities for international investors, equipment suppliers, services providers and lenders to come into Vietnam,” he said.ALB

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