Gide Loyrette Nouel(GLN) 协助中粮集团成功收购法国波尔多雷沃堡酒庄。中粮集团是中国农产品和食品加工业龙头企业。这次交易的成功使中粮成为中国第一家实现生产型海外收购的葡萄酒企业,也是中国国有企业首次进入法国著名的波尔多葡萄园。

参与此次交易的GLN律师Arnaud Lunel告诉记者,中国目前在欧洲特别是在法国,投资速度加快。这次中粮收购法国酒庄是近年来的第四起中国在法国的大型投资,之前的三起来自中国私人或私人公司。


此次中粮的法律顾问团队由GLN巴黎的 Guillaume Rougier-Brierre, partner,Arnaud Lunel,以及北京的Chen Aihua组成. 卖方的法律顾问由法国的Lange & De Galzain担任。

Gide Loyrette Nouel (GLN) has advised the giant Chinese agribusiness group COFCO on the acquisition of Château de Viaud, a winery in the country’s famed Bourdeaux region. The transaction marks the first time that an SOE has directly entered the French wine sector and indicates that PRC companies are willing to look beyond their own rapidly-growing food & beverage (F&B) for growth. 

 “Chinese investments abroad into Europe – and particularly Chinese investments into France are picking up very quickly. China inbound investment into France is in its infancy – it’s starting from a low base but the growth rates are immense,” Gide Loyrette Nouel senior associate Arnaud Lunel told ALB.

 According to Lunel, there have been three previous Chinese investments into the French wine industry, with this transaction the fourth. The first three investments were made by either Hong Kong investors or private Chinese groups or individuals. “This transaction is significant because this is the first time a state-owned enterprise has invested in the wine sector in France. COFCO is not your adventurous one-time investor and has a strategy for international development. This is the first of its kind of investment by a very large state-owned enterprise,” he said.

The GLN team advising COFCO was led by Guillaume Rougier-Brierre, partner, and Arnaud Lunel, from the Paris office, assisted by Chen Aihua in Beijing. COFCO was advised on financial aspects by Jean-Luc Coupet, the founder of Wine Bankers. Ernst & Young (Valerie Scappaticci) was in charge of social and accounting due diligence.

On the seller side advising the seller is French firm Lange & De Galzain.ALB

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