
Loyntons的主任Jenny Loynton认为,两律所的合作将为中国客户在伯明翰提供一站式的服务。

Martineau资深律师,Andrew Whitehead 认为促成签约的另一原因,是越来越多的中国客户希望更好的利用英国优惠的商业环境。英国在新能源和太阳能方面的上网电价非常高,所以英国的能源领域对许多中国客户非常有吸引力。 两所的合作正在锁定这一重要领域的法律业务。

National UK firms Loyntons and Martineau have entered into a unique collaboration agreement designed to win both firms more China-related work.

Under the terms of the agreement both firms will share resources to service existing Chinese clients and target the increasing number of Chinese business looking to invest in England’s Midlands (Birmingham) region.

Jenny Loynton, director of Loyntons’, said that the firms were looking to establish a ‘one stop shop’ for Chinese clients looking to invest in Birmingham.

Martineau senior partner, Andrew Whitehead cited the increase in Chinese clients looking to take advantage of the favourable business climate in the UK as another driver behind the agreement.

“With UK feed-in tariffs currently very high for renewables and solar in particular, the UK energy sector is increasingly attractive to Chinese businesses, and our collaborative approach is already securing new business in this important sector,” he said.

Both firms already have extensive experience in the Chinese legal services market. Martineau, for example, enjoys a close relationship with Jun He, a fellow member of law firm network Multilaw. In late 2009, the two firms linked up to advise on the historic buyout of Scotland’s last yarn spinner, Todd & Duncan, by Chinese cashmere supplier Ningxia Zhongyin.ALB

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