2010, 一个丰收之年。飞速增长的境外投资和不断发展的国内市场给中国律所带来了不仅仅是丰厚的收入,还有律师队伍的迅速成长和壮大。其中,那些表现精彩卓越的律所将始终站在市场的最前头。 

“ALB中国发展最迅速的十家律师事务所”评选活动正式启动。在律所人数,收入和利润,开拓境内境外市场等方面表现杰出的律所将记入史册。评选结果及律所管理合伙人的简介将同时刊登在即将发行的ALB杂志上。 ALB在中国内地拥有二万多名业内读者及众多网上读者。

为确保贵所能参与最终评级,请在5月16日之前(包括5月16日)电邮Cecilia Liu      Cecilia.liu@thomsonreuters.com  索取申请表格。

 如有其他疑问,也请联系Cecilia  Liu, 联系电话:+61 2 8587 7146

请注意: 我们将根据律所提供的人员数据来评选“ALB年度中国律师事务所规模20强”。问卷中的问题7和8用于此目的。

An exponential increase in outbound investment volumes as well an ever-developing domestic market meant that 2010 was a year of solid revenue and headcount growth for a high number of law firms across the country. But even so, there were still those who were able to rise above the rest in the growth stakes. 

Submissions are now open for the ALB China Fast 10- the definitive listing of the country’s fastest-growing law firms of 2010. In this feature we will be chronicling the feats of law firms throughout the nation who were able set themselves apart from the rest by their lightning growth by increasing headcounts, posting increased revenues and profits and broadening their regional and global footprints.

Firms that make it into the ALB China Fast 10 will be published in an upcoming issue of ALB China along with a portrait of their managing partner and seen by more than 19,000 readers across the region along with many more thousands online.

To make sure your firm is considered for the ALB China Fast 10, please  contact Cecilia Liu  on Cecilia.liu@thomsonreuters.com  to request a submission form before Monday 16 May 2011.

For further queries, please contact Cecilia Liu directly on +61 2 8587 7146

PLEASE NOTE: We will also be using the headcount figures below to compile our annual ALB China 20: China’s 20 largest law firms. In this regard, please note questions 7 and 8 are inserted for this purpose