Baker & McKenzie is holding hold its annual meeting of partners in Beijing this week; the first major international law firm to choose China as the venue for its yearly partner meeting.

A key aspect of the meeting will be the role of the legal sector in supporting the rapidly accelerating outbound investment by Chinese companies. "As Chinese firms become increasingly active globally, understanding the complex commercial and regulatory systems across borders as well as the pitfalls of the international arena will be essential to the success of their business expansion strategies," said Eduardo Leite, Baker & McKenzie's chairman of the executive committee.

A number of Chinese companies and dozens of longstanding multinational clients have been invited to participate in meetings and conferences held during the six-day annual meeting from October 24 to 29. Topics will include several issues that Chinese clients have identified as major concerns, including corporate compliance, regulatory issues and post-acquisition integration. Additionally, Baker & McKenzie will conduct sessions on inbound and outbound investments and related topics in Shanghai, Chongqing and Hong Kong. 

More than 600 partners from 69 offices are expected to attend the event.