Benelux law firm Stibbe has opened its first Asian office in Hong Kong as it looks to expand its client base in the region.

Stibbe, which has had a dedicated China practice team in the Benelux for several years, hopes to establish a local footprint in Asia in order to be present for existing Asian clients, and to develop business for its European offices.

"Hong Kong is strategically located at the heart of Asia, and is the gateway to the mainland,” said Jan Bogaert, registered foreign lawyer with Stibbe, in a statement. “It provides the best location for us to enrich our clients from China and other countries in the region. That's the main reason why we chose Hong Kong to set up our first office in Asia.”

Stibbe's Hong Kong office will offer Belgian and Dutch law capabilities, and advise on all matters relating to Dutch, Belgian and Luxembourg law in cooperation with the head offices in Europe. The focus in Hong Kong will be on corporate and tax advisory work in the context of outbound M&A transactions.

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