Our research

ALB will draw results from firm submissions, Thomson Reuters financial data, editorial resources and market suggestions. This year, interviews are optional, and will be conducted at the research team’s discretion. All interviews will be off the record, confidential and used for research purposes only.

Please find the submission form here.

The submission form is due no later than June 28, 2013.

Our rankings

Our rankings are based on the following metrics:
• Volume/complexity/size of work
• Firm’s visibility and profile in the marketplace
• Presence in Asia
• Key clients

Please direct all submissions for Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to Kanishk Verghese at kanishk.verghese@thomsonreuters.com, submissions for China to Liu Zhen at zhen.liu@thomsonreuters.com, and all other submissions to Vasundhara Chatterjee at vasundhara.chatterjee@thomsonreuters.com.

The M&A rankings will be published in our August 2013 issue.

We look forward to receiving your submission soon.

Follow us onTwitter: @ALB_Magazine.