We are now accepting submissions for the ALB 2013 Top 50 Largest Law Firms rankings.

We will be identifying and ranking the top 50 largest law firms in Asia (the research does not cover Australia and New Zealand), and will also provide separate tables for the following jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Our rankings will include domestic and international firms.

Please download the submission form here.

The deadline for submission is Oct. 4, 2013.

We look forward to receiving your submission.


Our research:

• Firms were contacted in September 2013 and asked to provide partner and lawyer numbers across their operations in Asia.

• Total fee-earners equals the total number of associates, partners, counsel, foreign counsel and consultants. Trainees or pupils are not counted among fee-earners.

• Where firms do not supply lawyer numbers, information will be taken from their websites. ALB accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of information published on a law firm’s website.

• In the case of international law firms, only lawyers and partners based in Asia will be counted.

• Where two firms have the same headcount figure, the firm with the higher number of partners will be ranked higher.

• This research does not cover Australia and New Zealand.

Our rankings:

• The ranking will have one main table identifying the 50 largest law firms in Asia.

• We will also provide separate tables for the following jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

• The rankings will include domestic and international firms.

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