Herbert Smith Freehills has scored the lead advisory role in Huaneng Power International Inc’s $1.19 billion plus acquisition of equity interests in 10 power plants in China.

Under the terms of the deal, Huaneng Power will acquire five units from Huaneng Group and five others from Huaneng International Power Development Corp.

The Herbert Smith Freehills team that advised Huaneng Power was led by Beijing office head Tom Chau, with assistance from senior associate Sherry Lai and associates Lawrence Wang and Isaac Chen.

Haiwen & Partners acted as PRC counsel to Huaneng Power, while China International Capital Corp was the company’s financial adviser.

One of China’s largest listed power producers, Beijing-based Huaneng Power is a unit of the mainland’s largest power producer, China Huaneng Group.


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by Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |

史密夫斐尔律师事务所近日迎来私募基金专家Benjamin Lohr律师以合伙人身份回归并加入其香港办公室。

