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Beijing-based Jingtian & Gongcheng is on the verge of forming an association with Mayer Brown JSM in Hong Kong, as the Chinese firm establishes its first presence outside mainland China. 

Under this arrangement, Mayer Brown JSM will provide office space and other resources to secondees from J&G in Hong Kong. The two firms will continue to operate as separate entities, and they are not contemplating a merger, a spokesperson told ALB. The association is still awaiting approval from the Law Society of Hong Kong.

The alliance is the most recent example of a Chinese law firm teaming up with a foreign law firm as the country sees an increase in capital outflows and business opportunities across different jurisdictions. Early this year, Dacheng Law Offices and Dentons formed the world’s biggest law firm. And in April, Baker & McKenzie entered into a joint venture with Fenxun Partners in Shanghai. 

Jingtian currently has four offices in China including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chengdu. The firm, which is growing fast, particularly its capital markets practice, is the latest  mainland law firm to enhance their presence in Hong Kong. In May Llinks opened in the SAR, some months after Beijing-headquartered Han Kun Law Offices. 

“We look forward to forming an association in Hong Kong with Jingtian & Gongcheng, one of China’s most prestigious law firms,” said Mayer Brown Chairman Paul Theiss in a statement. “This is an exciting development for the clients of both firms.”

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