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Beijing-based law firm Ke Jie Law Office formed a global legal service network with 13 foreign law firms.

The network, known as Cathay Associates and initiated by Ke Jie, covers offices in 20 cities across Europe and Asia, including Paris, Vienna, Madrid, Warsaw, Budapest, Prague and Kuala Lumpur.

“The network is going to function like a whole ‘global virtual law firm’,” He Jie, the managing partner of Ke Jie, told ALB in an exclusive interview.

“Under the structure, each law firm remains legally and financially independent, but will still closely work with each other.”

With around 700 headcount worldwide, Cathay Associates focuses on M&A, financing and investment, said He. All 14 members will provide legal services to the Cathay Associates clients under the brand “柯杰 Cathay Associates”.

He serves as the network’s chairman. Former Yingke global partner Rupert Varnai is the CEO, and the third founder, Pascal Demko, is the global managing partner.

In order to cater to the increasing legal needs coming out of China’s ongoing One Belt One Road initiative, the network aims to expand its members to 40 by the end of 2016 covering major countries and regions across the five continents.




这个新的结构旨在创立一个全球性虚拟律师事务所’” 柯杰律师事务所管理合伙人何杰在专访中对ALB记者表示。在新的结构中,各个律所依旧保持法律和财务独立,但会有紧密的合作。

新成立的联盟全球职员总人数将超过700人,专注于兼并和收购、融资、战略投资等,何律师对ALB说道。联盟的每一个成员将使用柯杰Cathay Associates”品牌为联盟客户提供法律服务。

何律师将担任联盟的管理委员会主席,前盈科合伙人Rupert Varnai担任首席执行官、位于欧洲的另一名发起人Pascal Demko将担任全球管理合伙人。



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