We are now accepting submissions for 2017 ALB Top 10 M&A Lawyers in China.

In the context of slowing macroeconomic growth, mergers and acquisitions become an important means of companies seeking to transform and upgrade the business. State-owned enterprise reform, acquisition of overseas assets, industrial restructuring, mergers of the industry big companies happen a lot in China. This ranking will focus on the outstanding M&A lawyers in past 12 months.

One firm can nominate at most TWO lawyers who had outstanding achievement in the M&A deals, candidates can be of any nationality, but need to be based in mainland China during the past 12 months.

The list of top 10 M&A Lawyers in China will be published in ALB China’s March 2017 issue.

Please click here to download the submission form, and send back the completed form by email to TRALB.Ranking@thomsonreuters.com no later than January 16, 2017.

Methodology: The list will be chosen on the basis of a combination of the following: 1) significant M&A deals;  2) important deals in the past 12 months; 3) clients the candidate has acted for; 4)significant accolades the candidate has received for work in the form of public recognition, awards etc; 5) client feedback.

We look forward to receiving your submission soon.

我们欣喜地通知您,ALB 2017中国十佳并购律师评选现已开始接受提名。

在宏观经济增速放缓的大背景下,并购重组成为企业寻求转型升级和业务多元化的重要手段,中国的并购市场上国企改革、 海外资产收购、 产业转型、 巨头合并等热点频现。本次排名将关注过去12个月内中国并购市场优秀的并购律师。



请于北京时间2017年1月16日下午18:00之前将您的提名表格(点击此处下载)以电子邮件发送至 TRALB.Ranking@thomsonreuters.com  

评选方法:我们将参考以下几个方面:1)代表性交易;2)过去12个月参与的重大交易 ;3)候选人的主要客户 ;4)候选人所获得的奖项;5)客户评价



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SUBMISSIONS OPEN: 2017 ALB Top M&A Lawyers in China

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We are now accepting submissions for 2017 ALB Top 10 M&A Lawyers in China.