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China is today one of the foremost countries in the world when it comes to use of legal technology, and this is reflected in a rising number of legaltech patents.

According to Thomson Reuters, the number of patents related to legal technology filed globally has risen more than fourfold over the past five years, from 202 in 2013 to 933 last year. More than half — 51 per cent — were filed in China last year, while 23 per cent were filed in the US and 11 per cent in South Korea.

"The rise in China's legaltech patent applications is closely related to the industry development, a concrete manifestation and a necessary stage for the growth and prosperity of China's legaltech." says Morris Tu, CEO of Legal Miner, which provides business risk management solution via SaaS and consulting services.

Wei Xiao, Managing Director of JunHe LLP points out that "the main driver is the surging demand for legal services. Given that legal services can be expensive, many people are turning to using legaltech as it offers more affordable options. Additionally the Chinese public is becoming more aware of technology and readily embracing innovation, and this people are taking to it like never before."

According to the Financial Times, another reason why China is emerging as a leader in the use of legal technology is that it is seeking to modernize its justice system to address the country's shortage of skilled and experienced lawyers. The report also points out that western law firms and other legal service providers tend to concentrate on how to automate their operations in the name of efficiency and cost savings, not least because their biggest clients-corporate legal departments are insisting on lower bills. By contrast, Chinese innovators are more focused on ordinary citizens. 

In fact, the driving force behind China leading the global legaltech landscape goes far beyond that, says Tu. "More and more companies seek to reduce the cost of hiring outside counsel while increasing the budget for in-house legal department to improve the efficiency and quality of the work they do. This demand is consistent with and further facilitates the development of the legaltech industry. In addition, various Chinese government agencies are also looking to implement a smart judicial system, another impetus for the legaltech growth."

"Open access to data and information has made possible the rapid growth in legaltech. China's court judgments have been published online since 2013. Other key measures such as open trials, open judicial auctions and open list of dishonest persons have all contributed to the legaltech development. On the other hand, the legal revolution comes from within. A lot of inventions that we see today, such as automated due diligence and AI in contract review, all come from legal practitioners' need to maximize efficiency and reduce manual work via AI empowerment." He adds.

And it's not just lawyers who are interested in legaltech. "Industries that a growing need for legal services, including real estate, finance, e-commerce, etc. are also embracing legaltech. As a result we are seeing any increase in applications for technologies related to electronic contracts," says Zhen Mei, Co-Founding Partner and Chief Legal Officer of Fadada, a provider of online electronic contracts.

"Change is already here, a transition from quantity to quality. It is obvious that many industries are being fundamentally changed by technology, and the legal industry is no exception, but the change is definitely positive for the industry as a whole," adds Xiao.


The types of patent applications have evolved over the years, says Tu. Earlier, the technologies in vogue were data crawlers, analyses of judicial rulings and retrieval of legal information. Now, the focus is more on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Xiao of JunHe elaborates on the impact of legal tech from two sides. First, there is the impact on the delivery of legal services. Big data and AI enable certain legal services to get standardized or be packaged as products. In the areas where standardization is impossible, technology is still playing a key role in maximizing efficiency. Second, there is the impact on the model for providing legal services. Technology will be more disruptive to the current model, which involves people-to-people service with law firms as the organizational unit, by making changes to both management of the client relationship as well as the firm's internal structure. 

However, there are challenges when it comes to proliferation of the new technologies. Although China claims more legaltech patents than any country, the proportion of legaltech patents among all other patents in China is still very small. "In 2018, the number of patent applications for inventions in China was 1.542 million, apart from the large numbers for utility model patents and design patents," says Xiao. "Patents must comply with the requirements of national law. From this perspective, there's no difference in terms of difficulty levels."

Again, there is still room for growth in terms of market recognition. "Take electronic contracts as an example," says Mei. "China's e-signature law came into effect in 2005 and it is recognized by many courts and arbitration centers, but companies are reticent about using yet."

However, Mei adds that things have been looking up since 2015, when the government began promoting the use of e-contracts. "In 2018, the use of e-certificates and e-signatures was recognized by governments in major cities in China, the Supreme People's Court also endorsed technologies such as e-signature, trusted timestamping, hash validation, and blockchain. On Jan. 1, 2019, China's new e-commerce law took effect, clearly stipulating the use of e-contracts," She says.

Tu of Legal Miner says that legaltech not only expands the scope of legal services for legal practitioners, but also enhances their capabilities by means of machine empowerment in this ultra-competitive market. "The future legal service would be a combination of 'machine and lawyers' that boasts of the advantages of both efficiency and experiences," he notes.

"China has far fewer lawyers per capita than in the West, which means a huge potential for legaltech developments in China. Legaltech offers an immense opportunity for the transformation and upgrading of how traditional legal services are provided, and it is expanding the legal services' breadth and depth in three major ways: By upgrading the industry with minimum cost; by revolutionizing the legal services landscape; and providing a more personalized service to clients," said Mei of Fadada.









“数据和信息的开放也为法律科技的发展提供了可能。2013年,中国裁判文书数据全面上网,同时庭审公开、司法拍卖公开、失信信息公开等政府信息公开举措为法律科技提供了源头活水;另一方面,律师等法律服务行业从业者在工作中也挖掘出了很多信息化、智能化的需求,比如智慧办公、智能尽调、合同审查机器人等发明创造,都是基于律师的实际业务场景发展而来的。” 涂能谋律师告诉ALB。







目前,法律科技的市场认知度仍有待提升。“以电子合同为例,中国《电子签名法》在2005年就已正式实施,其法律效力虽已在许多法院审判、仲裁案件中被认可,但国内部分企业对于电子合同的应用仍然抱有疑问。” 梅臻律师指出。



“中国的人均律师数量远远低于西方,这从另一个侧面说明了中国的法律科技势能有着巨大的潜力和释放空间。法律科技为传统法律服务的转型与升级提供了一次巨大的机会,通过法律科技这一全新业务模式,用最低的成本实现法律服务行业的升级,推动法律服务发生革命性的变革,提供更加个性化的服务,将大大拓展法律服务的广度、深度,” 梅臻律师最后谈道。


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