国际会计和咨询机构安永近日发布报告称,2020年首季全球IPO(首次公开发行)市场延续了2019年四季度的良好势头;虽然之后的新冠肺炎疫情对全球资本市场产生一定影响 ,但A股IPO活动依然保持平稳,并在今年一季度夺得全球IPO交易量和筹资额的双料冠军。

安永今日发布的《2020年第一季度全球IPO趋势》指出, 近期新《证券法》的推出以及以注册制为主线的创业板改革的有序推进,对中国内地IPO活动表现均是利好。政府推出一系列稳定政策,下半年A股IPO有望稳中有进。



报告显示,大中华区今年一季度IPO交易数量较去年同期增长34%(90宗),筹资额较去年同期上涨104%(132亿美元)。 其中中国内地沪深两市A股IPO共计52宗(上交所共34宗,深交所共18宗),筹资额113亿美元。







Shanghai tops world's IPO league table despite coronavirus

Shanghai has topped global initial public offering (IPO) league table for the first time in nearly three years, even as the coronavirus epidemic which originated in China rocked markets around the world.

A total of 33 companies raised $7.31 billion floating on the Shanghai main board and the city’s start up-focused STAR market, according to Refinitiv data for the first quarter, easily outstripping New York’s Nasdaq where 17 companies raised $5.13 billion via IPOs.

But even as Shanghai basks in success, for cash-seeking companies and their bankers the question is whether China can maintain this momentum as the coronavirus continues to cause massive disruption in global financial markets.

While Shanghai hosted the $4.4 billion IPO of Beijing-Shanghai Speed Railway early in January, accounting for most the funds on the main board, STAR market issuance held up even as the country went into virtual lockdown in February.

Eight companies raised $2 billion that month and a further 5 deals in March were worth $615.5 million.

China's markets have fared better than many Western benchmarks, with the blue-chip CSI 300 .CSI300 down 9.4% for the year as of Friday March 27, compared with tumbles of 21% fall for the S&P 500 .SPX in New York and 25% for the pan-European STOXX 600 index.

EY Greater China IPO practice leader Terence Ho said the fiscal response from China’s government - which accelerated a massive program of economic stimulus measures - could help boost the prospects of companies looking to list on the mainland markets.

“The Chinese government has already rolled out timely policies to help companies, with more economic stimulus on the way,” Ho wrote in a recent report.

“These efforts should help the economy and IPO markets recover more quickly when the outbreak is controlled.”

China has also relaxed the rules for follow-on share sales by listed companies in an effort to help virus-hit firms raise cash.

January-March 2020 was the first time since the third quarter of 2017 that Shanghai topped the global leader board to beat the larger New York and Hong Kong exchanges.

“I’m not surprised,” said Zhu Ning, deputy dean of the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF).

“The number of Chinese start-ups is huge and there’s an increasing tendency for Chinese companies to list in the domestic market, where valuation is much higher.”

Thailand ranked third for IPOs, thanks to the $2.5 billion IPO of Central Retail CRC.BK in February - the country’s largest ever IPO.

The largest deal on the Nasdaq was the $1.86 billion of drug research firm PPD Inc in early February.

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by Reuters |
