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“虽然我们认为短期内美国企业大规模将其供应链移出中国的情况不太可能发生,但是在这一点上,预见性和确定性都非常低。” 鸿鹄律师事务所合伙人赖珊华说道,“如果发生这种情况,可以预见的是,处于供应链上、中、下游的企业,都会受到一定的冲击,特别是对中小企业而言,在短时间内可能会陷入经营困境。”







Global options will help China see off U.S. supply chain attacks

The U.S. government has taken aim at China’s supply chain, as well as the supply chain for one of its most well-known companies, making the already tense relationship between the two countries even more unstable. However, although Chinese enterprises can expect to take a hit in the short term, lawyer believes that they will be able to adapt over time.

While the trade truce reached by China and U.S. in this January slightly eased the tensions between the two countries, it did not last long. With the COVID-19 pandemic spreading globally, bilateral ties are under strain again, particularly in the light of recent actions from the U.S.

The past week saw the U.S. government make belligerent moves toward Chinese companies through supply chain attacks. First, the Trump government blocked the global supply of chips to telecommunications equipment giant Huawei Technologies, which it had added to a trade blacklist in May last year. Then, U.S. lawmakers and officials are drafting proposals to push U.S. enterprises to move operations out of China – as well as cut ties with suppliers there - in an effort to cripple domestic enterprises.

Lawyers say that this will cause Chinese companies some short-term pain. “Although China is unlikely to experience an exodus of supply chains led by US firms in near future, there is plenty of unpredictability and uncertainty about developments,” says Shan Lai, a partner at Bird & Bird, “If that did happen, the players in the upstream, midstream and downstream of the whole supply chain would be impacted and small and medium-sized enterprises would be hardest-hit and mired in distress.”

However, given the globalized world today, Chinese enterprises will be able to find a new way out in the long run. “No individual country can be completely self-sufficient in all supply chains for all industries. Few countries can survive in isolation and most rely upon a network of other countries for their prosperity. China is now the world's second largest economy and the global economy is increasingly correlated to China's economy. On this basis, we would say the chance of completely moving supply chains out of China by US businesses is slim,” says Shan.

For the time being, she advises Chinese enterprises to keep calm and prepare actively for the changes to come. “For most industries, there are alternative partners to work with for either upstream suppliers or downstream customers, which is the major benefit globalisation brings us,” says Shan. “Meanwhile, Chinese firms should take countermeasures to prepare for rainy day. Internally, they should improve risk management in supply chain both upstream and downstream, and work out a back-up supply chain programme. Externally they should put in place development plans from a global perspective, getting themselves a 'safety network' via outbound direct investment to deal with risks in their supply chains.”


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by Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |


报名开始:2025 ALB China 十五佳律师新星/Submission open: 2025 ALB China Rising Lawyers

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by Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |
