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jiang yong


蒋勇律师1994年进入最高人民法院工作,2002年创办天同律师事务所,专注于重大复杂商事争议解决,尤其是进入省级高级法院及最高人民法院的案件。天同是中国最著名的诉讼精品律所之一,曾五次获得ALB中国法律大奖年度诉讼律师事务所大奖,蒋律师也曾于2013年入选ALB China十佳诉讼律师。





China litigation boutique loses founder to heart attack

China’s leading litigation boutique firm TianTong Law Firm released an obituary on the evening of June 23, announcing the departure of its founder Jiang Yong, age 50, of an unexpected heart attack.

Jiang started his career in 1994 at the Supreme People's Court of China, which he left in 2002 to found TianTong Law Firm. TianTong specializes on solving high-profile commercial dispute cases, especially those under the jurisdiction of China’s Supreme Court and provincial Higher People’s Courts. The firm has won the Litigation Law Firm of the Year award of ALB’s China Law Awards for five years, with Jiang ranked as ALB’s Top 10 litigators in 2013.

Jiang went on to create legaltech company Wusong Technology in 2014, which is among the first legaltech companies incubated by a Chinese law firm. Wusong provides products such as database, case referral network based on big data, and case analysis AI robot.

In 2017, TianTong began its expansion by setting up six offices following the path of the supreme court’s circuit courts. In last October, the firm opened its Shanghai office, and expanded its business areas into intellectual property, Internet, and new finance.

“Jiang once said life is like stretching a spring, one has to spare no strength to explore the limits,” says TianTong in the obituary. “Jiang’s spring of life has come to an end, but his unremitting strength will stay with us.”


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报名开始:2025 ALB China 十五佳律师新星/Submission open: 2025 ALB China Rising Lawyers

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by Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |
