
























三是突出的协调能力。黄旭春律师说,license-out交易往往涉及创新药企业内部的运营、财务、供应链等诸多职能部门,“律师需要具备很强的协调能力,深度接触各个部门、听懂他们的顾虑和需求,最终协调好各方利益,并体现到法律文本中。服务license-out交易中最难的就是这些增值内容 ”。













The first quarter of 2024 saw a flurry of cross-border transactions involving Chinese companies and global pharmaceutical giants like AstraZeneca and Novartis in the space of innovative drugs. Legal experts say the industry's focus on out-licensing transactions signals a growing international recognition of China's R&D prowess in innovative drugs, promising both market confidence and strategic partnerships.


In the still sluggish deal-making market of the first quarter of 2024, the innovative drugs industry stands out as an exception. Over the past three months, Chinese innovative drug companies have engaged in multiple deals with overseas pharmaceutical giants such as AstraZeneca and Novartis, from mergers and acquisitions to out-licensing transactions. This activity demonstrates the international market's recognition of China's research and development prowess in innovative drugs, boosting market confidence amidst the current climate in the medicine sector.

Yu Zhengchun, senior partner at Allbright Law Offices, has valuable insights to share. "Between January and February, Chinese innovative drug companies completed over 30 cross-border deals with overseas pharmaceutical firms, including M&A, equity financing, and equity cooperation, with out-licensing deals being predominant."

This momentum follows that of 2023, which saw over a hundred out-licensing deals in China alone, reaching historic highs in both deal value and down payment ratios.

According to Yu, deals between Chinese and foreign pharmaceutical companies typically take two forms: M&A, including equity and asset acquisitions, and equity cooperation, encompassing full equity transfers or partial equity partnerships. "Regardless of the form, cooperation partners leverage their respective strengths to jointly advance the R&D and commercialization of innovative drugs, significantly improving the success rate and efficiency of the entire process."

Given the high-risk, high-investment nature of innovative drugs, out-licensing has become the new trend in R&D, with some innovative drug pipelines in China gaining recognition from multinational pharmaceutical companies.


Alan Zhou, leader of the life science and healthcare practice at Global Law Office, observes that Chinese innovative drug companies have long shown enthusiasm for out-licensing transactions. In 2017, Global Law Office represented BeiGene in completing out-licensing and equity transactions with Celgene Corporation, with a deal value of nearly USD 1.4 billion. This breakthrough surprised the industry and served as early proof of the international recognition of the R&D capabilities of Chinese innovative drug companies. Zhou believes that after this landmark deal, more Chinese pharmaceutical companies began to "go global" through the out-licensing model.

While there have been many influential out-licensing projects since then, such as Legend Biotech and Johnson & Johnson, license-in transactions were decisively more popular than out-licensing before 2021. However, in 2022, "with continuous improvement of indigenous R&D capabilities, as well as factors such as the cooling of domestic and Hong Kong capital markets and the impact of industry policies, the innovative drugs industry entered a period of adjustment," says Zhou. "The demands of innovative drugs companies shifted more towards 'selling,' resulting in a rapid growth of the number of out-licensing deals, which exceeded the number of license-in transactions by a large margin."

Yu also acknowledges that in the current climate, where equity financing remains quite difficult for Chinese innovative drug companies, "getting a higher down payment through out-licensing is also an important way out." However, he notes that multinational pharmaceutical companies are mainly interested in pipelines with the potential for "first-in-class" drugs, which excludes most Chinese innovative drug companies.

Furthermore, there have been cases of pipelines going global "in clusters" in recent years. For example, "in 2023, the pipelines for out-licensing were mainly in ADC, mono/dual antibody drugs, CGT drugs, and GLP-1 drugs, with GLP-1 drugs being particularly popular. This year is not expected to be very different," says Yu.

Certainly, the ability to "go global" is essentially attributed to the growing strength of Chinese pharmaceutical companies, which has led to the production of excellent drugs. According to Charlene Huang, partner at Global Law Office, "multinational pharmaceutical companies have recognized China's R&D capabilities and hope to introduce drugs to overseas markets as soon as possible through cooperation as supplements to their own product pipelines."

In fact, everyone can benefit from out-licensing. On one hand, with high down payments, innovative drug companies can compensate for financing difficulties, promote pipeline R&D, lower R&D risks, and learn from overseas clinical development experience and commercialization capabilities, thus obtaining high milestone payments and shares from overseas market sales in the future. On the other hand, for licensees, purchasing "licenses" can also amortize R&D risks and costs and enrich product pipelines. If pipelines with great market potential successfully go to market, they can also quickly grab market share and earn handsome returns.


Although the logic of out-licensing deals is relatively straightforward, Zhou notices that the out-licensing process is becoming more complex as it continues to grow in popularity.

"First, out-licensing deals are often bundled with equity deals, making mixed transactions more common. For example, several projects handled by our team also include M&A and investment. Second, an out-licensing deal may require both parties to discuss how they will jointly complete the entire process of clinical R&D for early-stage development, production and CMO, commercial operations, etc. Both sides need to engage in a slew of negotiations and cooperation. Third, some more in-depth projects do not target only one product but are based on comprehensive cooperation across the entire product line."

It is precisely because of such complexity that despite the hot market, sometimes it is necessary to make deals more "solid" and uphold a relatively calm "long-term" spirit, which puts forward many new requirements on lawyers advising such deals.

First is to have a "panoramic view". "We need to consider deal-related issues against the entire market. Lawyers must have a rich skillset to help clients arrange the entire project in various aspects such as regulation, compliance, deal-making, intellectual property, etc. Advising an out-licensing deal well often requires an all-around and one-stop team," says Zhou.

Second is to have an international perspective. Zhou admits that some domestic innovative drugs companies are not yet familiar with international deal-making, business practices, valuation models, etc., which requires transactional lawyers to undertake some commercial functions to "help clients clarify business demands and complete project implementation".

Third is to have outstanding coordination ability. According to Huang, out-licensing often involves many functional departments within an innovative drugs company, such as operations, finance, and supply chain. "Lawyers need to have strong coordination skills, have in-depth contact with various departments, understand their concerns and needs, and ultimately coordinate the interests of all parties and reflect those interests in legal texts. The most challenging part of advising out-licensing deals is these value-added services."

In addition, despite the bustling market environment, Zhou has already dealt with many cases of "product return" or even disputes in out-licensing deals, such as the failure to achieve predetermined targets in product milestones such as R&D, examination and approval, and sales making it impossible to trigger milestone payments, or significant changes in industry environment, policy adjustments, or controlling power of one side to the transaction.

As a matter of fact, "the overall success rate of innovative drugs R&D is not high, and there are often disputes over long-term cooperation after a deal is completed. Whether the contract terms written by lawyers before the transaction can protect the interests of clients in the disputes that may inevitably arise later cannot be achieved simply by copying contract templates," reminds Zhou.

"To become a top transactional lawyer for out-licensing, one must go through not only the 'beautiful moments' of official deal announcement but also the potentially 'ugly' moments of litigation and arbitration."

"In my experience, transactional lawyers need to predict as much as possible the difficulties that may arise in future integration when preparing agreements, and include solutions in the agreements and help both sides establish a proper communication mechanism. This way, even if disputes occur in the future, companies can quickly find effective solutions based on that mechanism," says Huang.


In fact, the "value" of an innovative drug depends not only on its novelty but also on whether the company behind it has provided sufficient and effective IP protection.

"When advising on out-licensing deals, lawyers focus on whether the enterprise has patent protection for the product and if this protection can ensure a competitive edge in the market, preventing other products from easily entering the competition. They also ensure the product's competitiveness in terms of trade secrets, proprietary technology, non-compete clauses, etc.," says Huang.

Yu also points out that clients are very concerned about the remaining protection period of IP involved in cooperation, whether it includes the compensation system for the patent period of drugs in their respective countries, whether existing patents can fully protect drug technology solutions, and whether there is any risk of infringement. There is also a growing demand for comprehensive patent free-to-operate (FTO) analysis in different countries.

Additionally, Yu states that issues of IP ownership and licensing rights should be specifically agreed upon in transaction documents. "IP also involves tax issues. Depending on the different tax policies of the cooperating parties' countries and the bilateral treaties signed, different deal structures may result in different tax rates, which must be considered." Finally, parties should agree on a mechanism for resolving IP disputes so that if a dispute arises, the parties can effectively safeguard their rights.

Special attention must also be paid to the cross-border transfer of sensitive personal information and human genetic resources information in cross-border pharmaceutical cooperation. "An out-licensing project may involve the cross-border transfer of clinical trial data and adverse drug reaction information, as well as the personal health data of subjects and human genetic resources information containing human biometrics data. Chinese innovative drug companies should pay attention to relevant regulatory systems in various countries in advance, make early preparations, and carry out cross-border cooperation in compliance with regulations," cautions Yu.



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