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全球内容与科技公司汤森路透于近日正式发布了专业级别生成式人工智能工具CoCounsel 2.0,这是继去年收购法律科技公司Casetext、推出CoCounsel 1.0版本后,时隔一年,汤森路透对于该工具的重要升级。


升级后的CoCounsel 2.0相较初代工具,工作速度快了三倍,能够在几秒钟内提供答案;其对文件的语言理解能力有所增强,更能够参照全文,提供更全面且关注细节的答案;它还被内嵌于汤森路透的WestlawPractical Law等产品,以及内嵌于WordTeamsOutlook等微软产品。

此外,CoCounsel 2.0还可以升级配备其他工具,例如汤森路透不久前发布的Claims Explorer – 可以直接输入案情,并查询适用的诉讼请求或反诉请求;以及CoCounsel Drafting – 一款可以将合同起草效率提高50%AI工具。

根据汤森路透此前发布的《专业从业者未来报告》(Future of Professionals),未来五年,GenAI工具将每周帮助专业从业者节省12小时的工作时间。“CoCounsel 2.0将帮助法律从业者实现这一转型,把技术带来的竞争优势变成现实。”汤森路透说。

Thomson Reuters Launches CoCounsel 2.0

Global content and technology company Thomson Reuters has recently announced CoCounsel 2.0, a professional-grade generative AI assistant. This is a significant update to the AI tool following Thomson Reuters' acquisition of legaltech company Casetext in June 2023 and the launch of CoCounsel in the same year.

CoCounsel provides eight key functions: document review, deposition preparation, database search, timeline drafting, document summarization, contract data extraction, contract policy compliance assistance, and correspondence drafting.

The updated CoCounsel 2.0 will work three times faster than the first generation, generating answers in seconds. With improved understanding of natural communication, it will operate more intuitively, delivering more thorough and nuanced results.

It will be accessible within Thomson Reuters products, starting with Westlaw Precision and Practical Law, as well as within Microsoft 365, including Word, Teams, and Outlook.

In addition, CoCounsel 2.0 will introduce new and enhanced capabilities for legal professionals. For example, the newly launched Claims Explorer allows users to enter facts and identify applicable claims or counterclaims. CoCounsel Drafting, a new GenAI-enabled solution, accelerates contract drafting by up to 50%.

According to Thomson Reuters' Future of Professionals report, GenAI is expected to free up 12 hours per week for professionals within the next five years. "CoCounsel 2.0 will help legal professionals make that transformation—and the resulting competitive advantage—a reality," the company states.


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