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ALB China 2025年首个区域市场榜单,2025 ALB China 区域市场排名:环渤海地区,现已接受提名。


  • 总部设立于环渤海地区,即辽宁省、河北省、天津市、山东省的律师事务所(以下简称为“环渤海地区本地律所”),或在上述区域设有分所/办公室的总部设立于其他省的律师事务所,可参与本次排名。
  • 每家律师事务所请通过统一的联络人进行申报。
  • 上述律所每家可提名不超过两位候选人参与律师新星排名,被提名为律师新星的候选人需满足:年龄不超过40岁从事法律行业不超过15年目前常驻环渤海地区从事相关法律服务,中外律师不限。
  • 2025 ALB China 区域市场排名:环渤海地区客户首选律师调查已向各公司法务及商务人士开放,欢迎将本调查问卷推荐给客户,问卷调查的链接为。邀请参与问卷的人士是公司法务人员,管理人员或第三方商业顾问。每位参与者可以提名最多五位合作过的律师。被提名的律师可以是任何业务领域或国籍,但必须常驻在环渤海地区工作。
  • ALB将通过律所的申报、ALB的编辑资源、对市场的观察及在线调查结果等展开调研,来排出环渤海地区的顶尖律所和相关律师。
  • 排名将分为三部分:环渤海地区律所、环渤海地区律师新星、环渤海地区客户首选律师。



  • 基本情况:人员数量、市场规模、业务体量等;
  • 专业实力:历年的重要成就、过去12个月完成的重大交易/诉讼;
  • 业务布局:业务领域布局、过去12个月新增的业务领域;
  • 客户关系:代表性客户、过去12个月新增的客户;
  • 发展路径:市场定位和发展策略。 


  • 主要成就
  • 代理过的重大交易或案件
  • 过去12个月的主要工作内容
  • 候选人的主要客户
  • 候选人所获得的奖项
  • 客户评价和同事评价




报名表格-2025 ALB China 区域市场排名:环渤海地区律所

报名表格-2025 ALB China 区域市场排名:环渤海地区律师新星

在线调查-2025 ALB China 区域市场排名:环渤海地区客户首选律师 (


With more than 40 years of development, the Chinese legal market is growing rapidly and playing an important role in Asia and the world. With the overall development of the Chinese legal market, we also see great changes in China's regional legal market. Local law firms rooted in the local market or seeking national/global layout and regional offices of large-scale law firms are leading the regional legal market forward.

Through the series of regional legal market ranking, ALB will focus on the outstanding law firms with strong strength, exceptional achievements, and outstanding performance in the regional legal market, and aim to present the ambitious, up-and-coming young lawyers across China who are showing their potential to become future stars, as well as to present the outstanding lawyers who established the strongest client connections and won clients’ trust and highest recognition.  The rankings will showcase law firms’ professional strength and development strategy in China's regional market and attract more attention

As the first regional ranking in ALB China 2025, 2025 ALB China Regional Ranking: Circum-Bohai Sea Area is now open for submission.

Our Research:

  • This ranking applies to law firms headquartered in the Circum-Bohai Sea Area, which is in Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, and Shandong (hereafter referred to as “local firms”); law firms headquartered in other provinces with branches/offices in the above regions.
  • Each law firm from above can nominate up to two candidates. To be considered as a Rising Lawyer, individuals need to either be not above the age of 40 or have no more than 15 years of legal professional experience. Candidates can be of any nationality, but need to be based in Circum-Bohai Sea Area currently.
  • Please submit one contact for each firm.
  • You are welcome to refer to the survey of 2025 ALB China Regional Ranking: Circum-Bohai Sea Area Client Choice for your clients. The survey can be taken from this link here. The respondent must be an in-house legal counsel or a manager/executive at a non-legal enterprise, or a business consultant. Each participant can nominate up to five lawyers whom they have worked with. The candidates can be from any practice area, of any nationality, and must be based in the Circum-Bohai Sea Area.
  • ALB will draw information from firm submissions, editorial resources, market suggestions, and the survey results to identify the top firms, rising lawyers, and the client choice lawyers in the Circum-Bohai Sea Area.
  • The ranking will feature Firms in the Circum-Bohai Sea Area, and the Rising Lawyers as well as Client Choice Lawyers in the Circum-Bohai Sea Area.

Our Ranking:

The research will be based on the law firm’s basic information, professional strength, business layout, customer relationship, and development path.

  • Firm information: number of personnel, market scale, business volume, etc;
  • Professional strength: significant achievements over the years, major transactions/litigation completed in the past 12 months;
  • Practice Area: practice area layout, new practice areas in the past 12 months;
  • Client relationship: key clients, new clients in the past 12 months;
  • Development path: market positioning and development strategy.

The list of rising lawyers will be chosen based on a combination of the following:

  • significant achievements;
  • important deals or cases;
  • significant work in the last 12 months;
  • clients the candidate has acted for;
  • significant accolades the candidate has received for work in the form of public recognition;
  • client comments and colleague comments.

The list of client choice will be chosen based on the survey results.

Results will be published in the ALB China Issue in February, 2025.

Please download the submission forms from the below link and send the completed form to no later than 18:00 December 3, 2024.

Submission form-2025 ALB China Regional Ranking: Circum-Bohai Sea Area Firms

Submission form-2025 ALB China Regional Ranking: Circum-Bohai Sea Area Rising Lawyers

Online Survey-2025 ALB China Regional Ranking: Circum-Bohai Sea Area Client Choice (

We look forward to your firm’s participation!

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by Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |


报名开始:2025 ALB China 十五佳律师新星/Submission open: 2025 ALB China Rising Lawyers

我们欣喜地通知,2025 ALB China 十五佳律师新星现已开始接受报名。


by Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |
