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我们欣喜地通知,2025 ALB China 十五佳网络安全和数据保护律师评选现已开始接受提名。







2)过去12个月的重大成就 ;

3)候选人的主要客户 ;






We are now accepting submissions for 2025 ALB China Top 15 Cybersecurity & Data Protection Lawyers.

The continuous development of science and technology has enabled the development and transformation of network construction and data utilization. At the same time, technological innovation and conceptual innovation have also made cybersecurity and data protection issues more important and complex. With the continuous introduction and detailed implementation of cybersecurity and data protection policies and laws in recent years, the increasingly stringent regulatory requirements and the increasing practice, and the requirements of enterprise digital transformation, the cybersecurity and data protection work of Chinese enterprises is facing increasing challenges. Cybersecurity and data protection lawyers, relying on their professional understanding of the law, keen insight into supervision, and thoughtful consideration of business, face complex application scenarios from both legal practice and business logic, and deeply integrate professional knowledge and industry rules to provide high-quality legal services for customers' diversified cybersecurity and data protection needs. ALB is committed to identifying excellent cybersecurity & data Protection lawyers who have played an increasingly indispensable role over the past 12 months.

One firm can nominate at most TWO lawyers who had outstanding achievements in the Cybersecurity & Data Protection area, candidates can be of any nationality, but need to be based in mainland China during the past 12 months.


The list will be chosen based on a combination of the following: 

1) significant achievements; 

2) important cases and work in the past 12 months; 

3) clients the candidate has acted for; 

4) significant accolades the candidate has received for work in the form of public recognition, awards, etc; 

5) client and colleague feedback.

The list of 2025 ALB China Top 15 Cybersecurity & Data Protection Lawyers will be published in ALB China’s January 2025 issue.

Please click here to download the submission form, and direct submissions to no later than 18:00 Thursday, November 28, 2024.

We look forward to receiving your submission soon.

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