
ALB荣幸地宣布,2022 ALB China 十五佳总法律顾问评选活动已启动,此次评选针对工作城市位于中国大陆的总法律顾问或公司法律事务最高负责人进行。这将是ALB连续第八年观察和调研中国法律市场上顶尖的总法律顾问。


我们期待着通过此次调研,呈现出当今法律市场上十五位具有卓越成就的总法律顾问。此次调研结果将刊登在ALB China 20226月刊上。


  • 公司总法律顾问须提交报名表格,表格可以由公司的法务团队提交或者由总法律顾问填写提交。参与者需为常驻中国大陆工作的总法律顾问或公司法律事务最高负责人。
  • ALB邀请律师填写一份网上问卷,推荐他们心中顶尖的总法律顾问。问卷内容我们会为提交者保密。
  • 我们会参考市场和以及同行的评价,若需要,ALB会进行采访。


  • 总法律顾问工作的难度和重要性
  • 由总法律顾问发起的重大项目
  • 业务部门对总法律顾问工作的评价
  • 担任总法律顾问的时长和在法律领域的从业经验
  • 个人获奖经历


  • 总法律顾问请点击此处下载报名表格。表格可以由总法律顾问自己提交,也可以由助理和法务团队帮助提交,一个公司仅限提交一份,中英文填写皆可。请将填写好的表格发送到。提交表格的截止日期为20223231800。此次评选针对工作城市位于中国大陆的总法律顾问或公司法律事务最高负责人参与。
  • 律师请点击此处链接参与网上问卷调查,网上问卷将于202231118:00关闭。


2022 ALB China 十五佳总法律顾问排名由天达共和律师事务所独家赞助,调研评审由ALB独立完成。期待您们的参与!


ALB will identify leading general counsels in ranking of 2022 ALB China Top 15 GCs, which will be published in June. The submissions are open to all general counsels or head of legal affairs based in China. ALB will make survey and research of top general counsels in China market for consecutive eight years.

The research will be conducted through the following aspects:

  • Self-nomination forms for general counsels. In-house teams or the general counsels can fill out the submission form and hand it in to research team at
  • Private practice lawyers in China are invited to fill out a survey in which they can recommend general counsels for the ranking. Responses will be kept anonymous.
  • We will also take into account peer commentary, market feedback and ALB editorial input. Interviews will be conducted by ALB if necessary.

Some of the key qualities we are looking for are:

  • Scope and significance of work handled by the general counsels
  • Any significant initiatives launched by the general counsel in his/her current role
  • Feedback of GC’s work from business partners
  • Years of experience and previous work history
  • Awards and accolades

To Participate:

  • Submission forms can be downloaded here. It can be handed in by the GC, the assistant or in-house team. Only one entry is allowed per organization. The form can be filled in Chinese, English or both.  Please submit the form to Deadline for submissions is 18:00 March 23. The submissions are open to all general counsels or head of legal affairs based in China.
  • The survey can be taken from here, which will be closed at 18:00 March, 11.

2022 ALB China Top 15 GCs is exclusively sponsored by East & Concord Partners. Research is done independently by ALB.

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