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客户的信任和好评是评价律师综合执业水平的最佳标尺,ALB荣幸地宣布,2023 ALB China 客户首选律师调查已向各公司法务及商务人士开放。




点击此处链接( 即可参与在线调查。该问卷调查只需要占用几分钟的宝贵时间按提示填写即可完成。问卷的结果将被刊登在8月份的ALB中国版杂志上。

2023 ALB China 客户首选律师在线调查将于202341818关闭。期待您们的参与!


The best way to evaluate a lawyer is to ask his clients, ALB’s annual survey of Client of Choice identifies the outstanding lawyers who established the strongest client connections and won clients’ trust and highest recognition.

ALB is glad to announce the survey of 2023 ALB China Client Choice is now open to in-house counsel and business professionals to nominate their favorite lawyers in China.

The respondent must be an in-house legal counsel or a manager/executive at a non-legal enterprise, or a business consultant. Each participant can nominate up to five lawyers whom they have worked with. The candidates can be from any practice area, of any nationality, and must be based in mainland China.

2023 ALB China Client Choice Survey can be taken from here(  It should take no more than a few minutes to fill the survey. The results will be published in the ALB China August issue.

The online survey will close at 18:00, April 18 2023 Beijing time.

We look forward to your participation.

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